Thursday, June 13, 2013

March Week 1, Year 4

I lowered the AI difficulty to hard because the matches were taking forever on legend.

Match 1. Shelton and Jeff Hardy vs. Snitsky and William Regal

Match 2. Tommy Dreamer vs. Test

Match 3. Christian and Tomko vs. Booker T and Goldust   #1 Contender's match
Christian threw Tomko into Goldust in the corner. Outside the ring, Goldust speared Tomko through the barricade. Booker headbutted Tomko and got the win.

After the match, the tag champs attacked their new challengers.

Match 4. RVD vs. Randy Orton
RVD landed some right hands and then caught a charging Orton with a hurricanrana. Outside the ring, Orton hit RVD with the steel steps a couple of times before getting the three count. It was over in less than four minutes.

Main Event. Kane vs. Triple H
Kane had Triple H in a camel clutch and then hit a tilt-a-whirl slam. Kane hit the chokeslam, but Triple H kicked out at two. Kane landed a powerbomb, but Triple H got up and hit the Pedigree. Kane caught a right hand and hit the Tombstone to win.

After the match. Jericho walked down and he and Kane exchanged words.

Match 1. Rey Mysterio vs. The Hurricane
Two masked Superstars facing off. After a back breaker, Hurricane busted Rey open with a running knee. Rey came back with a 619. Rey continued with a hurricanrana and a running dropkick. He then hit a Lou Thesz Press and won.

Match 2. Edge vs. Spike Dudley

Match 3. Los Guerreros vs. Basham Brothers

Match 4. John Cena vs. Carlito
Cena landed a nice suplex. Carlito hit the Back Stabber much later. He then busted Cena open with a bulldog. Carlito continued with a back suplex and neck breaker. Cena blocked a right hand punch from Carlito and hit the FU to win.

Main Event. Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle
Taker landed a huge back suplex and some thunderous right hands. Taker then busted Angle open with a DDT. Angle came back and caught Taker with an Angle Slam. Taker kicked out and hit the Tombstone for the win.

After the match, D-Von threw in a chair for Taker. He wanted him to hit Angle. This brought up a branching storyline. Taker decided not to hit Angle, which upset D-Von.

Recap: Flair and Batista sent Booker and Goldust a message. They are the champs for a reason. Three more weeks until WrestleMania.

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