Saturday, June 8, 2013

January Week 3, Year 4

Match 1. William Regal vs. Raven

Match 2. Test vs. Shelton vs. Tomko

Match 3. Kane vs. Batista
Batista landed some right hand punches and a body slam before connecting with the spear. Kane kicked out, but Batista was ready with the Batista Bomb. A minute or so later, Kane attempted a chokeslam. Batista countered and hit a second Batista Bomb and got the win.

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. Booker T vs. RVD   #1 Contender's match
The winner will most likely challenge Orton for the IC title at Royal Rumble. Jericho was seen sitting in the front row. Jeff and Booker hit RVD with two double gut busters. RVD landed the rolling senton on Jeff. RVD later hit Booker with a super kick. RVD and Jeff were bleeding when Jeff landed a tornado DDT from the second rope and won.

Main Event. Goldberg vs. Shawn Michaels w/ Triple H
Why is Triple H in Michaels' corner? Goldberg elbow dropped Michaels through the announce table. Later, Michaels speared Goldberg through the barricade. Back in the ring, Goldberg was able to hit the Jackhammer. Michaels kicked out. He then hit a couple of neck breakers and a DDT to win.

Match 1. Hurricane vs. Tajiri

Match 2. Dudley Boyz vs. Basham Brothers
The Dudleyz left the ring and attacked the Bashams on the ramp and the match began. They made it into the ring and Bubba hit Doug with the Bubba Bomb. The Dudleyz later hit the Wassup headbutt. Back outside, Bubba hit Danny with the Bubba Cutter. D-Von landed a flying shoulder tackle on Doug and got the win.

Match 3. John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar w/ Carlito
Rhyno attacked Cena from behind as he was walking to the ring. Lesnar landed a fall away slam and an F5, but Cena kicked out. Lesnar hit another fall away slam. Cena somehow hit the FU. Lesnar kicked out and hit a second F5 to win.

After the match, Carlito grabbed a chair and hit Cena a few times. Lesnar then took his turn.

Match 4. Hulk Hogan vs. Big Show

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry   #1 Contender's match
Henry was slamming Angle all over the ring. He went for the World's Strongest Slam, but Angle countered it into a DDT. Late in the match, Angle landed a couple of hip tosses. He then took Henry down with a Russian leg sweep. Henry got up and Angle connected with the Angle Slam and won.

After the match, Undertaker came out and clapped for Angle.

Recap: Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H and Undertaker vs. Angle at Royal Rumble? I like the sound of that.

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