Wednesday, July 31, 2013

March Week 4, Year 5

Match 1. David Otunga vs. William Regal

Match 2. The Usos vs. Epico and Primo

Match 3. Brock Lesnar vs. Shawn Michaels
Michaels hit Lesnar with a suplex and then locked in the Sharpshooter. Outside the ring, Michaels connected with Sweet Chin Music. He busted Lesnar open by slamming his head against the steel post. Michaels hit another super kick. Lesnar came back with belly-to-belly and German suplexes. Lesnar went for the Shooting Star Press, but Michaels sprung up and hit a third super kick to win.

Match 4. Batista vs. Sheamus   #1 Contender's match
Batista is putting his Royal Rumble victory on the line. Batista hit a couple of knee smashes. Sheamus countered Batista's follow-up attack with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Batista went to kick Sheamus in the gut, but it was blocked and Sheamus landed the Celtic Cross to win.

After the match, as Sheamus was about to leave, Lesnar's music hit. Sheamus waited for him to come down the ramp, but Lesnar attacked him from behind.

Main Event. John Cena and Cody Rhodes vs. The Rock and Daniel Bryan
Rock tossed Bryan from the top rope onto Cena. Rock and Bryan then hit a double hip toss. Kane ran down and attacked Cody. He hit him with the chokeslam. Cody later speared Bryan through the barricade. Back in the ring, Bryan hit Cena with a rolling senton and got the win. 

Match 1. Sin Cara vs. The Miz

Match 2. Kofi Kingston vs. Damien Sandow
Kofi landed a Russian leg sweep, back elbow and a crucifix pin. Sandow then landed his own leg sweep. Kofi hit a frankensteiner and then SOS. Sandow kicked out and connected with Terminus. Kofi caught Sandow in a school boy, but got a two count. Sandow locked in a camel clutch and won.

Match 3. Christian vs. Drew McIntyre

Match 4. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge
Rey took Del Rio down with a snapmare and landed a couple of kicks to the chest. Del Rio locked Edge in the cross arm breaker. Edge and Rey hit Del Rio with a double gut buster. Del Rio hit Rey with a release German suplex. Edge then busted Del Rio open with a back elbow. Rey hit Edge with the 619 and West Coast Pope to win.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Undertaker
Orton faked a handshake and punched Taker before the bell. Taker drove his knee across the face of Orton. The champ came back with a a couple of clotheslines and a quick slam. After a one count, Orton hit his back breaker. Taker kicked out again and hit the Tombstone to pin the champ.

Recap: Taker's been on a roll since returning. WrestleMania should be awesome.

March Week 3, Year 5

Match 1. Regal vs. Zack Ryder

Match 2. Ted DiBiase vs. Daniel Bryan
Bryan connected with some vicious kicks to the back. DiBiase came back with an STO. The match spilled to the outside. Ted caught Bryan in a roll-up. Bryan countered it and each Superstar got some near falls. Ted countered it one final time to get the win.

Match 3. Ryback vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho raked the eyes of Ryback and then locked in the Walls of Jericho. He then connected with the Codebreaker. Ryback was on offense with quick rights and lefts and a spine buster. Ryback landed another spine buster and threw some more punches. Jericho blocked one and hit the Codebreaker to win.

Match 4. Sheamus vs. Batista

Main Event. Cody Rhodes vs. The Rock
This is a huge opportunity for Rhodes. Rock ran down the ramp and speared Cody before the bell rang. Rock landed some right hands to a downed Cody and landed the spine buster. He then hit the Rock Bottom. Rock locked Cody in an abdominal stretch and won.

Match 1. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger

Match 2. Dolph Ziggler vs. Antonio Cesaro
Ziggler hit Cesaro with a body splash in the corner. Cesaro came back with a big hip toss. Ziggler caught Cesaro with an overhead belly-to-belly and a body slam. Ziggler connected with a perfect dropkick and then hit the Zig Zag for the win.

Match 3. Randy Orton vs. Edge
Orton tossed Edge into the ropes and then caught him with a body slam. Orton then busted Edge open with a falling knee to the face. Edge came back with a single flapjack and a northern lights suplex. Orton finished the match with two RKOs in a matter of a minute to win.

Match 4. R-Truth vs. Tensai

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Mark Henry vs. Undertaker   #1 Contender's match
After a running powerslam, Henry hit Taker with right hands across the face. Punk hit Henry with a bulldog and busted him open. Punk hit Henry with a hurricanrana, then Taker lifted him up for a fall away slam. Henry landed more punches on Taker, forcing him to bleed. Henry caught Punk's leg and hit the World's Strongest Slam. Punk kicked out and hit Henry with the GTS. Taker covered Henry and won.

Recap: Taker his back and will receive a world title shot at WrestleMania. The Rock made quick work of the former IC champ.

March Week 2, Year 5

For some reason, I'm not a fan of Raw. Maybe the draft could change that.

Match 1. David Otunga vs. William Regal

Match 2. The Usos vs. Slater and Gabriel

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Ryback
I thought these two were allies. Ryback landed a huge back suplex. He then busted Barrett open with a headbutt. Ryback hit a spine buster and a jaw breaker. After a two count, Ryback hit the Shell Shock to win.

Match 4. Triple H vs. Sheamus
Triple H took Sheamus down with a chop block and then landed a piledriver. He continued with a knee smash. Sheamus locked Triple H in a camel clutch, but The Game broke free. He finished the match with a Pedigree.

Main Event. The Rock and Cody Rhodes vs. John Cena and Chris Jericho
Will this match last for than two minutes this time? Cena landed a body slam on Rhodes. Jericho and Cena hit Rock with a double hip toss. A couple of minutes later, Cena and Jericho did the same to Cody. Jericho caught Cody with a hurricanrana into a pin and won.

Match 1. Kofi Kingston vs. Damien Sandow

Match 2. Table - Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler went for a missile dropkick, but Christian dodged it and Ziggler crashed through a table. He went for another dropkick a few minutes later, but Christian dodged it again. Ziggler shook it off and landed a crucifix and falling neck breaker. They then battled on the outside, which ended with Christian DDTing him through the announce table.

Match 3. Jack Swagger vs. Sin Cara vs. The Miz

Match 4. Rey Mysterio vs. Mark Henry
Rey ran toward Henry at the opening bell, but Henry countered it into a tilt-a-whirl slam. Henry took Rey down with a forearm to the chest and then busted him open with a stomp across the face. Henry landed an atomic drop and then locked Rey in a bear hug. Henry finished Rey off with a camel clutch.

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Undertaker
Taker landed multiple rights and lefts. Punk caught Taker and hit him with the GTS. Taker kicked out and landed a flying lariat. He then busted Punk open with a back elbow smash. Punk took Taker down with a dropkick. Taker sat up and hit the Tombstone to win.

Recap: The main event tag match is now tied at one apiece. I did not remember that the Christian/Ziggler match was a tables match. It was a good one, though. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

March Week 1, Year 5

WrestleMania is now four weeks away. I can't believe it.

Match 1. The Usos vs. Slater and Otunga

Match 2. Ted DiBiase vs. Daniel Bryan
Bryan locked DiBiase in a couple of submission holds, but he broke out. Ted locked Bryan in a single-leg Boston Crab and landed a sit-out spine buster. Bryan caught Ted in a roll-up, but got a two count. DiBiase hit a float-over neck breaker and won.

Match 3. Zack Ryder vs. Ryback w/ Wade Barrett
Ryback landed a clubbing blow across Ryder's chest and then a tilt-a-whirl slam. Ryder hit a neck breaker and a lifted reverse DDT. He shook off a belly-to-belly suplex and hit the Zack Attack to win.

After the match, Ryback shook Ryder's hand.

Match 4. Batista vs. Sheamus

Main Event. The Rock and Cody Rhodes vs. John Cena and Chris Jericho
Rock and Cena were caught in a pinning battle in the early going. Rock countered Cena's pin into a backslide pin and won. It was over in less than a minute.

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio
During the match, this huge guy ran and attacked Mysterio. That's Ziggler's heavy, Big E. Langston.

Match 2. Sin Cara vs. Tensai

Match 3. Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro
The four battled on the outside for a few. Swagger speared Kane through the barricade. Kane and Bryan hit Swagger with a double back elbow. Barrett ran down and hit Kane with Wasteland. Cesaro hit Bryan with the Neutralizer. Bryan hit Swagger with a snapmare and Kane connected with a dropkick to win.

Match 4. Edge vs. ???
Who is Edge's opponent? It's the Undertaker! He's baaaack. Edge attacked Taker from behind on the ramp. Taker connected with a boot in the corner and a back body drop. Taker lifted Edge up for a Tombstone, but Edge kicked out. Taker then locked Edge in a reverse chin lock and won.

After the match, CM Punk came out and stared down Undertaker.

Main Event. Mark Henry vs. CM Punk
Punk wanted to end this match quick with a few roll-ups. Henry landed two tilt-a-whirl slams. Punk landed thunderous kicks to the thighs, forcing Henry to favor his left leg. Henry lifted Punk up and locked in a bear hug. Henry finished Punk with a huge body slam and won.

Recap: Ryder got a huge win. Ziggler is building up a nice little group around him. Is Punk challenging Taker?

February Week 4, Year 5

Four title changes at the Elimination Chamber PPV. Go check it out if you haven't yet.

Match 1. The Usos vs. Slater and Gabriel

Match 2. Zack Ryder vs. Ted DiBiase

Match 3. Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett
Sheamus landed a couple of running forearms and a neck breaker. Barrett caught him with a sit-out spine buster. Sheamus connected with a nice suplex, but Barrett got right up and hit the Winds of Change. Sheamus came back with the Irish Curse back breaker and Celtic Cross to win.

Match 4. Triple H and William Regal vs. Jeri-Show
Triple H took Jericho down with a headlock takedown and then hit the Codebreaker. Triple H and Regal kept Jericho by their corner with a double suplex. Outside the ring, Show was taking care of Regal. He landed a huge headbutt against the railing and won.

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton
Will Batista make his decision tonight? Randy took Lesnar down with a Lou Thesz Press and then hit his back breaker. He brought Lesnar back up and landed the RKO. Lesnar kicked out, but Orton was ready. He landed a scoop slam. Lesnar stopped his offense with a release German suplex. Lesnar then landed three powerbombs. Orton hit a second RKO to win.

After the match, Orton stomped some more on Lesnar.

Match 1. John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre

Match 2. Sin Cara vs. Tensai

Match 3Dolph Ziggler w/ AJ Lee vs. Christian
Who is this Diva Dolph has with him? Christian landed a nice neck breaker, but Ziggler came back with a body slam. He seems extra motivated tonight. Ziggler caught Christian in a roll-up. Christian countered, but Ziggler won with a backslide pin.

Match 4. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes vs. Jeri-Show
Man, Big Show and Chris Jericho are getting a lot of action. Slater and Otunga attacked Jeri-Show from behind. How well will Sandow and Rhodes work together in their first outing? Sandow tagged in Cody, who immediately received a Codebreaker. Cody kicked out and landed Cross Rhodes to win after 12 minutes of action. They did it! 

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio
Punk landed a neck breaker and standing heel kick. Del Rio hit a superplex and his own heel kick. Punk connected with Go To Sleep, but Del Rio kicked out. After a couple of near falls, Del Rio landed a belly-to-back suplex and won.

Recap: SmackDown is light on main event faces. Hopefully the draft will fix that. Cody Rhodes quickly moved away from the IC title.


CM Punk is not in the chamber match? Wow.

Match 1. Epico and Primo vs. Boom Truth   WWE Tag Team Championship
The Colons hit Kofi with a double suplex. Kofi and Truth hit Primo with a double DDT. It's been a match of tag moves so far. Truth then hit Primo with the Lie Detector. Primo kicked out, but Truth was ready. A few minutes later, he landed a front suplex to regain the titles.

Match 2. Christian vs. John Morrison   WWE United States Championship
Morrison landed a corner clothesline, standing moonsault and a running basement dropkick in quick succession. He then hit Starship Pain, but got a one count. Christian came back with a Killswitch, but Morrison kicked out. They went back and forth with some near falls before Christian hit Morrison with a running dropkick and got the win.

Match 3. Jeri-Show vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro
Swagger and Cesaro hit Jericho with a double back body drop. Jericho hit Cesaro with a back breaker and Show jumped off and and landed an elbow drop. Cesaro came back and lifted Show up for a spine buster. Show took Cesaro to the outside and hit the Final Cut to win.

Match 4. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase   WWE Intercontinental Championship
DiBiase hit Rhodes with a DDT. He went to pick Cody up, but Cody countered with a poke in the eyes. He hit landed Cross Rhodes, but got a two count. Ted hit Cody with a back body drop and busted him open with a diving fist. Ted then hit a sit-out powerbomb. He finished Cody off with a swinging neck breaker.

Match 5. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan
Punk connected with a clothesline. Bryan caught Punk in a roll-up. Punk countered, but got a two count. Bryan countered it again with a backslide pin and won in 1:01.

Match 6. Edge vs. Henry vs. Del Rio vs. Orton vs. Ziggler vs. Booker   World Heavyweight Championship
The first of two chamber matches. The first two Superstars were Del Rio and Booker. Edge came in next. He's going to have a hard time to retain at this point. Booker landed a float-over DDT. Del Rio snuck up behind and hit a back suplex. Edge then hit his own back suplex. Dolph Ziggler's pod was next to open. Orton was the fifth entrant. Edge attempted a couple of pins, but only got one counts. Henry could be the favorite now.

All six men are now in the ring. Del Rio hit Orton with a huge German (Mexican?) suplex. Booker hit Ziggler with a Book End on the outside, but Dolph kicked out. Del Rio had Orton in the cross arm breaker for a while, but Orton broke out and hit the RKO and eliminated him. Edge climbed the ropes, attempting a spear. Orton sprung up and hit the RKO, but Edge kicked out. Henry eliminated Ziggler after a belly-to-belly suplex. Booker eliminated Edge after a crossover heel kick. There will be a new champion. Orton hit Booker with a falling neck breaker and eliminated him. He immediately hit Henry with the RKO and won.

Main Event. Cena vs. Sheamus vs. Mysterio vs. Kane vs. Ryback vs. Lesnar   WWE Championship
This is the second chamber match. Can it beat the first one? The first two were Ryback and Sheamus. Sheamus took Ryback down with an ax handle. Brock Lesnar was the first to leave his pod. There are three powerful men in the ring. Lesnar tossed Sheamus into each corner. The champ, John Cena, came in next. Lesnar landed a huge clothesline on Sheamus. Sheamus came back with a clothesline and belly-to-belly. Cena tossed Ryback onto the steel floor. Kane was the fifth man to enter. Rey will need all the rest he can get. Kane whipped Ryback into the steel siding. Rey left his pod. All six men were in the ring.

Rey hit Kane with a tornado head scissors. Lesnar hit Ryback with a fall away slam and an F5 and got the elimination. Kane landed a sidewalk slam and back suplex on Rey. Sheamus hit Lesnar with a superplex, but Lesnar got right up. Lesnar landed a powerbomb on Cena, but got a one count. He later hit Sheamus with the triple powerbombs and got the elimination. That's two for Lesnar. Out of nowhere, Rey hit Kane with the 619 and West Coast Pop, but he kicked out. Rey hit a second 619. He went for the WCP, but Kane caught him with a chokeslam and eliminated him. Kane hit Cena with a sidewalk slam and leg drop for the elimination. Lesnar caught Kane with the F5 to reclaim the WWE title.

Recap: Nice title reign, Epico and Primo. DiBiase gets the win over his former partner. Bryan stole one from Punk. The "Age of Orton" is back. Both world titles change hands. Will it be Lesnar vs. Batista for the WWE title at WrestleMania?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

February Week 3, Year 5

Because of his injury, Jeff Hardy was forced to retire. Such a shame.

Match 1. Kane vs. Big Show
Show had Kane in a couple of headlock submission holds. Kane blocked a punch and lifted Show up for the chokeslam. Show then lifted Kane up for his own chokeslam. Kane landed a back suplex and pinned Show, but got a one count. Show hit the Final Cut and Showstopper for the win.

Match 2. Epico and Primo vs. Slater and Gabriel

Match 3. Zack Ryder vs. David Otunga

Match 4. Triple H and William Regal vs. The Usos
Two brawling veterans against a young tag team. Regal put out his boot and Triple H slammed Jey's head into it. Regal then landed a nice t-bone suplex and a huge left hand punch. Jey kicked out of the following pin, but Regal kept him down with a running knee before getting the win.

Main Event. Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho ran toward Sheamus in the opening moment, but Sheamus countered into a tilt-a-whirl slam. Sheamus landed an ax smash and went for a fall away slam, but Jericho countered it into a back breaker. Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho and hit the Codebreaker 30 seconds later to win.

After the match, Cody Rhodes ran down and hit Jericho with a lead pipe.

Match 1Damien Sandow vs. R-Truth

Match 2. Epico and Primo vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan
I guess we will see more of a Kane and Bryan partnership. Bryan and Epico were fighting on the outside. Bryan rolled him in the ring and Kane landed a sidewalk slam. Bryan locked Primo in the Labell Lock, but Epico broke it up. The Colons then hit Bryan with a double suplex. Bryan hit Primo with some huge kicks. Bryan locked in the Labell Lock and hit a flying forearm to win.

Match 3. Tensai vs. Christian

Match 4. Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz   #1 Contender's match
The winner will face Christian for the US title. Miz and Kofi worked over Morrison with a double gut buster. Miz went to punch Kofi, but he blocked it and hit Trouble in Paradise. Morrison took Miz to the outside and landed an elbow drop before getting the win.

After the match, Morrison went to shake Kofi's hand, but Kofi just walked away.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry vs. CM Punk
Could one of these three face Edge at the pay-per-view? Henry and Orton hit Punk with a double RKO. Orton then turned on Henry and hit him with a neck breaker. They spent the next few minutes on the outside. Henry headbutted Orton. Orton hit Punk with an RKO. He then RKO'd Henry. Orton hit Henry with another neck breaker on Henry and won.

After the match, Orton turned around and stomped on Punk some more.

Recap: Kane and Bryan defeated the tag champs. Could they get a title shot? The next PPV could be very exciting. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

February Week 2, Year 5

Match 1. Zack Ryder vs. David Otunga

Match 2. Sheamus vs. William Regal

Match 3. Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Rey landed some vicious kicks to the thighs of Cody. Rey set Cody up for the 619, but he moved away from the ropes. Cody tossed Rey across the ring into the corner. He then landed Cross Rhodes and won.

Match 4. Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett and Batista
Kane and Barrett started the match. Kane had Barrett in a rear naked choke and then landed a tilt-a-whirl slam. Batista tossed Barrett into a groggy Bryan, who was laying in the corner. Ryback interfered and attacked Kane. Kane came back and Tombstoned Barrett to win.

Main Event. The Rock and John Cena vs. Jeri-Show
Cena was being beat down on the outside by Jericho and Show. Cena speared Show through the barricade and hit Jericho with an AA in the ring. Cena and Rock hit Show with a double hip toss. Jericho had Rock in the Walls, but he broke out. Jericho then connected with a Codebreaker. Jericho had Cena in the Walls, but Rock broke it up. Cena hit a second AA and won.

Match 1. Epico and Primo vs. Boom Truth

Match 2. CM Punk vs. Booker T
The 5-time WCW champ made quick work of the Second City Saint. Booker busted him open with a standing heel kick. Booker caught the leg of Punk and then hit the scissors kick and won.

Match 3. Jeff Hardy vs. Tensai
Can Tensai bounce back from last week? Tensai tossed Jeff into the ropes. Jeff countered and landed a tornado DDT, busting Tensai open. Jeff then connected with Whisper in the Wind. After a monkey flip, Jeff hit the Twist of Fate. Tensai came back with a body splash in the corner and an elbow to the back. He then caught Jeff with a clawhold STO and got the win.

After the match, Jeff Hardy was taken away on a stretcher.

Match 4. Christian vs. Jack Swagger

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler
Orton clotheslined Ziggler in the corner. Ziggler came back with a release German suplex. Ziggler ran toward Orton, but he caught him in a roll-up. Ziggler countered, but Orton countered it again and won.

After the match, Punk attacked Orton with a lead pipe.

Recap: Have we seen the last of the Kane and Bryan tag team?

February Week 1, Year 5

What a Royal Rumble pay-per-view. The title matches and Rumble match were awesome.

Match 1. Zack Ryder vs. Heath Slater

Match 2. The Usos vs. Epico and Primo

Match 3. Sheamus vs. Jericho
Jericho attempted to lock in the Walls of Jericho, but Sheamus countered it. Jericho attempted it a second time and was successful. Sheamus landed a tilt-a-whirl slam and hit the Celtic Cross a little later. Jericho kicked out of a pin and hit the Codebreaker to win.

Match 4. Ryback vs. Wade Barrett
Barrett focused on the legs on Ryback with a couple of leg locks. He landed a sit-out spine buster. He hit another one a few minutes later. Ryback had Barrett in the corner and connected with a shoulder tackle. He finished him off with a running clothesline to win.

After the match, Barrett rose Ryback's arm in celebration.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Batista
Cena landed a side slam and the 5-Knuckle Shuffle. Batista kicked out, but Cena was ready and hit the AA. Batista kicked out again. He kicked Cena in the gut and connected with the Batista Bomb. Cena caught Batista in a roll-up. The Animal countered and got the win. Batista pinned the champ. Could we see this again at WrestleMania?

Match 1. Sin Cara and John Morrison vs. Damien Sandow and The Miz

Match 2. Booker T and Christian vs. Cesaro and McIntyre

Match 3. Tensai vs. Epico and Primo
The Japanese star makes his debut against the tag champs. Tensai had his right leg compromised during the match. He landed a headbutt on Primo, but he got up and hit the Back Stabber. Epico landed a flying head scissors and tornado DDT. He then hit a sprinboard splash and another DDT. Tensai connected with a back breaker. Primo kicked out and hit the Back Stabber to win.

Match 4. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk Alberto Del Rio
Punk came out and introduced Del Rio as Orton's opponent. Orton took down Del Rio with a Lou Thesz Press and busted him open with right hands. Orton landed a back suplex. Del Rio got up and locked in the cross arm breaker. Del Rio focused on the arm some more, but Orton sprung up and hit the RKO to win.

After the match, Orton continued stomping on Del Rio.

Main Event. Edge vs. Jeff Hardy
Edge climbed to the top and connected with a spear. Jeff somehow kicked out, but Edge busted him open with a heel kick. Jeff came back with a springboard bulldog and busted Edge open with a stomp across his face. After a leg lock, Jeff went to the top and hit the Swanton Bomb for the win.

Recap: Not much of a debut for Tensai. Orton was sending a message to Punk with that attack.

Friday, July 26, 2013


What a card! The Superstars in the two world title matches will not be in the Royal Rumble match.

Match 1. Christian vs. Damien Sandow   WWE United States Championship
Sandow poked Christian in his eyes and then busted him open with a bulldog. They were then caught in a pinning battle, with many near falls. Christian landed a reverse DDT and a front suplex. They began another in battle, which Christian ended up winning.

Match 2. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase   WWE Intercontinental Championship
Former partners going one-on-one right now. Cody landed a huge back drop and a kick to the back. Ted ran after Cody, but he countered it into a scoop slam. Ted landed some rights and left. He was then caught with the Sliver Spoon DDT and won. Two title matches, two title retains.

Match 3. Daniel Bryan vs. Alberto Del Rio
There were a few near falls in the early going. Del Rio attempted a couple of kicks to the back of the head, but Bryan ducked. Del Rio locked in the cross arm breaker. A little later, Bryan caught Del Rio and locked in the Coquina Clutch. Del Rio broke out, but Bryan landed a flying forearm and won.

Match 4. CM Punk vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton   World Heavyweight Championship
Edge and Orton double DDT'd Punk. Later, Edge DDT'd Orton through the announce table. Orton came back and hit Punk with a couple of clotheslines and a scoop slam. Edge connected with the spear on Orton. Punk hit Orton with the GTS. Orton has no shot at winning now. Edge hit Orton with an Electric Chair Drop and leg lock before getting the three count.

Match 5. Boom Truth vs. Epico and Primo   WWE Tag Team Championship
Epico hit Kofi with two back suplexes and a German suplex while Primo hit Truth with the steel steps. Epico then landed the Back Stabber. Truth landed the Lie Detector on a chair, but got a two count. Truth continued with a DDT through the announce table. Epico landed two more back suplexes and a German suplex before getting the win.

Match 6. Hell in a Cell - Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena   WWE Championship
Will we see another top title change hands? Cena took Lesnar down and locked him in an armbar. He then landed a hip toss. Lesnar lifted Cena up and connected with three straight powerbombs. Cena kicked out and hit an AA. Cena landed a spin-out powerbomb and got a close three count. Lesnar hit the F5, but Cena kicked out. Cena made Lesnar tap from a single-leg Boston crab.

Main Event. 30-man Royal Rumble
The first two entrants were Daniel Bryan and Rey Mysterio. Bryan quickly put Rey up against the ropes. No. 3 was Jack Swagger. Swagger caught Bryan with a body slam and German suplex. Dolph Ziggler was No. 4. Ziggler kicked Bryan off of the apron for the elimination. Swagger then tossed Rey out. No. 5. was Drew McIntyre. He stood by and watched Swagger and Ziggler go at it. Damien Sandow was No. 6. McIntyre hit Ziggler with a huge big boot. Antonio Cesaro was No. 7. Sandow eliminated Swagger and went after Ziggler, whom he ended up eliminating. No. 8 was Kane. He went right after Sandow, who was able to hold on. Christian was No. 9. He was immediately attacked by Cesaro. The Rock was No. 10. Kane tossed Sandow over the top. Christian eliminated The Rock! Wow, I was not expecting that.

No. 11 was Shawn Michaels. Christian dropkicked McInture out of the match. Cesaro hit Kane with a huge spine buster. Sheamus was No. 12. Kane eliminated Cesaro. Kane and Christian have two eliminations each. No. 13 was Ted DiBiase. Michaels kicked Christian out of the match. Triple H was No. 14. He went right after Sheamus and then hit Kane with a piledriver. Wade Barrett was No. 15. Sheamus eliminated Triple H. Quick outings for The Rock and Triple H. Michaels flipped DiBiase over the top. No. 16 was Alberto Del Rio. Michaels then eliminated Kane, his third elimination. Sheamus clotheslined Barrett over the top rope. Booker T was No. 17. Big Show was No. 18. Del Rio almost eliminated Booker. Big Show flipped Michaels over, but he skinned the cat and made it back in. Chris Jericho was No. 19. Sheamus kicked Show in the head and eliminated him. Del Rio then flipped Booker over the top rope. Del Rio eliminated Michaels next. Del Rio continued his roll by eliminated Jericho. No. 20 was Cody Rhodes. Del Rio kept going by tossing Sheamus over the top.

Kofi Kingston was No. 21. Cody and Kofi tried to eliminated Del Rio, but he broke free. Mark Henry was No. 22. He attacked Kofi with a few clotheslines. Del Rio tallied up his fifth elimination by tossing out Rhodes. No. 23 was The Miz. No. 24 was R-Truth. Will Boom Truth team up in the rumble? No. 25 was Sin Cara. Del Rio kicked Truth in the head for the elimination. Kofi tried to eliminate Del Rio. Henry tossed out Sin Cara with ease. Jeff Hardy was No. 26. Del Rio is unstoppable. He clotheslined Kofi out of the ring and then almost eliminated Henry. John Morrison was No. 27. Morrison dropkicked Henry over the ropes. Ryback was No. 28. Morrison eliminated Del Rio, who entered in at No. 16. Jeff eliminated Miz. No. 29. was Batista. Morrison eliminated Hardy. Morrison made a beeline for Ryback. No. 30 was William Regal. This could be a great opportunity for the English vet. Ryback was eliminated by Morrison.  Batista almost eliminated Morrison, but he held on. Batista flipped Morrison over the ropes. Regal attempted a couple of elimination attempts, but Batista pushed back. Batista won after kicking Regal in the the head and over the top rope.

Recap: Edge is back on top. Epico and Primo with the upset. Cena made The Beast tap. That was a great Royal Rumble match.

Stats: Del Rio had seven eliminations. Morrison had four. A few Superstars had three.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

January Week 4, Year 5

Match 1. Heath Slater vs. Zack Ryder

Match 2. The Usos vs. Justin Gabriel and David Otunga

Match 3. Daniel Bryan vs. Big Show
Bryan landed some kicks and tosses in the early going. He then focused on the right leg of Big Show. Show caught Bryan with a Showstopper, but he kicked out. Bryan jumped from the top, attempting a double ax handle, but Show caught him with another Showstopper and won.

Match 4. Wade Barrett vs. John Cena
Barrett caught Cena with a kick to the gut. Cena busted Barrett open with face buster. Barrett hit Cena with the Winds of Change. Cena kicked out, but Barrett landed a pump handle slam. After a military slam, Barrett hit Wasteland and won.

Main Event. Triple H vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane
David Otunga attacked Jericho from behind. Triple H and Jericho teamed up and attacked Kane. Triple H then bulldogged Jericho and busted him open. Later, Jericho hit Triple H with the Codebreaker. Kane used the face claw on Jericho. Jericho locked Triple H in the Walls of Jericho. He hit Triple H with a second Codebreaker and won.

Match 1. Sin Cara vs. Drew McIntyre

Match 2. Boom Truth vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro
Swagger hit Kofi with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. He and Cesaro then hit Truth with a double back body drop. On the outside, Cesaro hit Truth with a spinning jaw breaker. Truth came back with a Lie Detector and won.

Match 3. Epico and Primo vs. The Miz and Dolph Ziggler

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk
Hardy was in the ring waiting as Punk attacked him from behind. Punk locked in the Anaconda Vice in less than a minute. There were a couple of near falls. Punk landed a German suplex. Punk landed a couple of neck breakers and got the win.

Main Event. Edge vs. Randy Orton
Edge broke out of a camel clutch, but Orton busted him open with a Lou Thesz Press and right hands. Orton clotheslined Edge and then hit an RKO. Edge kicked out, but Orton was stalking his prey. He landed his back breaker and a second RKO to pick up the win.

Recap: Who will be standing tall after the Royal Rumble?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

January Week 3, Year 5

Match 1. Zack Ryder vs. Ted DiBiase

Match 2. Ryback vs. William Regal

Match 3. 6-man Tag - Michaels, Triple H and Sheamus vs. Jeri-Show and Batista
One-night only reunion of DX. There was too much action to keep up with. Jericho slammed Triple H through the announce table. DX and Sheamus wore down Batista in their corner. Batista recovered and hit Michaels with a Batista Bomb. Michaels kipped up and tagged in Sheamus. He hit Batista with a Brogue Kick and won.

Match 4. Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman vs. Rey Mysterio
What is that disgusting human being doing here? Rey got some offense in, but Brock's strength was too much. Lesnar picked Rey up and hit three consecutive powerbombs. Rey came back with the 619 and West Coast Pop. He later hit a hurricanrana and tornado DDT. Brock made Rey tap from a camel clutch.

Main Event. Wade Barrett vs. John Cena
Cena ran down the ramp and speared Barrett before the bell rang. Barrett threw a right hand, but Cena blocked it and lifted him up for the AA. Cena busted him open with a diving fist. Barrett landed a superplex and Wasteland. Barrett was on the top and attempted a diving cross body. Cena caught him and hit a second AA to win.

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston
This was a very exciting match with a lot of counters and high-impact moves. Kofi went for a flying forearm, but Ziggler caught him with a powerslam. Kofi landed a super swinging neck breaker. He went for Trouble in Paradise, but Ziggler locked in the sleeper hold. Kofi broke out and hit Trouble in Paradise to win.

Match 2. Primo vs. Drew McIntyre

Match 3. Damien Sandow and Booker T vs. Christian and Antonio Cesaro
An odd pairing for this tag match. Sandow suplexed Cesaro through the announce table. Cesaro got up and hit him with the Neutralizer. Back in the ring, Sandow hit Christian with a Russian leg sweep and Terminus. Christian and Cesaro worked over Sandow with double team moves. Cesaro hit Sandow with a huge uppercut. Sandow came back and made Cesaro tap from a single-leg Boston crab.

Match 4. The Miz vs. John Morrison

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry
Orton grabbed Henry in a headlock and landed a Lou Thesz Press. He hit another press as a counter for Henry charging at him. Henry tossed Orton into the corner and landed a huge body splash. Orton got up and caught Henry with an RKO and won.

After the match, CM Punk came out and clapped for Orton.

Recap: Can anyone stop Brock Lesnar? Kofi and Ziggler put on a great match. Looking forward to the future.

January Week 2, Year 5

Match 1. The Usos vs. Slater and Gabriel

Match 2. Big Show vs. Triple H

Match 3. Ryback vs. Batista
In less than four minuntes, Ryback lifted Batista up and connected with Shell Shock. He later hit a huge powerbomb. Ryback continued with a running clothesline and a spinning jaw breaker. Batista came back with a suplex and spear. Ryback hit a second Shell Shock and won.

Match 4. Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett
Rey and Jericho hit Barrett with an STO and springboard dropkick combo. Jericho then locked int he Walls of Jericho. Barrett speared Jericho through the barricade. Rey and Rhodes were caught in a pinning battle. Barrett caught Rey with the Winds of Change to win.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels
Cena hit Michaels with the AA, but he only got a one count. Cena kept going with two body slams, but Michaels kicked out again. Cena hit the 5-Knuckle Shuffle. Cena hit a second AA and made Michaels tap from a camel clutch.

After the match, Wade Barrett ran down and punched both men.

Match 1. Sin Cara vs. Alberto Del Rio
Sin Cara landed a nice hurricanrana and a sunset powerbomb. There was a little pinning battle. Del Rio locked in the cross arm breaker, but Cara (or should I call him Sin?) broke out. Sin busted Del Rio open with a flying head scissors. Del Rio took Sin down with a sweeping STO and won.

Match 2. John Morrison vs. Damien Sandow

Match 3. Boom Truth vs. Drew McIntyre and Antonio Cesaro

Match 4. Jack Swagger vs. Dolph Ziggler
There were a couple of near falls early. Ziggler caught Swagger's leg and went for the Zig Zag, but Swagger ducked. He then hit the gutwrench powerbomb and got the win.

Main Event. Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton vs. CM Punk and Edge
After about eight minutes of back-and-forth action, Orton caught Punk with an RKO. He then tagged in Hardy, who landed a few punches. Hardy busted Edge open with a tornado DDT. Hardy caught Punk's leg and hit the Twist of Fate. Punk caught Jeff flying off the top rope and hit the GTS to win.

After the match, Punk and Edge hit Hardy and Orton with chairs.

Recap: Another weeks with the new guys taking over Raw.

Monday, July 22, 2013

January Week 1, Year 5

Match 1. Justin Gabriel and David Otunga vs. Triple H and ???
Triple H recruited someone to take on Gabriel and Otunga. Is it his former partner, Shawn Michaels? It was...THE ROCK! He started the match off with Otunga. Rock caught him with a Samoan drop. Shawn Michaels ran down. Gabriel speared Triple H through the barricade. Michaels hit Gabriel with Sweet Chin Music. Outside the ring, Gabriel and Otunga wore down Triple H. Otunga landed a spine buster and won.

Match 2. Ryback vs. Heath Slater

Match 3. Daniel Bryan vs. Big Show

Match 4. Chris Jericho vs. Cody Rhodes
Rhodes attacked Jericho from behind. Rhodes dominated Jericho throughout the match. After a diving cross body, Rhodes drove his knee across Jericho's face, busting him open. He then hit the Alabama Slam and Cross Rhodes, but Jericho kicked out. Jericho landed a couple of neck breakers, but Rhodes hit a second Alabama Slam and Cross Rhodes to win.

Main Event. Steel Cage - John Cena vs. Wade Barrett
Cena landed huge right hands and a fisherman suplex. Cena later hit two shoulder blocks and a spin-out slam. He then landed a belly-to-belly suplex. Cena began climbing, but Barrett pulled him down and hit Wasteland. Wade then climbed out of the cage to win.

Match 1. Kofi Kingston vs. Epico

Match 2. Sin Cara vs. Drew McIntyre

Match 3. Damien Sandow and Antonio Cesaro vs. Christian and Booker T
Not even a minute into the match, Booker back suplexed Cesaro through the announce table. Cesaro recovered and he hit Booker with a huge uppercut. Sandow hit Christian with Terminus. Booker and Christian hit Sandow with a double flapjack. Booker then landed a spine buster and scissors kick to win.

Match 4. The Miz vs. John Morrison
Morrison landed a running dropkick and hip toss. Miz came back with a headlock driver. Morrison kicked out and landed a back breaker and tornado DDT. Morrison landed Starship Pain. Miz kicked out, but Morrison hit a second Starship Pain to win.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry
Henry took Orton down with an STO and tilt-a-whirl slam. He then landed a headbutt to the back of Orton's head. Orton lifted Henry up for a belly-to-belly suplex. He then busted Henry open with a diving knee. Henry hit the World's Strongest Slam and won.

Recap: A lot of younger stars took center stage on SmackDown and Raw this week.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

December Week 4, Year 5

What a PPV! Title changes galore. Five weeks until Royal Rumble.

Match 1. The Usos vs. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel

Match 2. Daniel Bryan vs. Chris Jericho
Bryan landed a swinging neck breaker. Jericho immediately came back with his own neck breaker. Bryan connected with multiple kicks to Jericho's back. Bryan hit a back breaker and climbed to the top. He leaped off for a body splash, but Jericho sprung up and caught Bryan with a Codebreaker to win.

Match 3. Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio
Rey landed a seated bulldog and then a Lou Thesz Press. Rhodes came back with an Alabama Slam. Rey countered a body slam into a spinning reverse DDT. Rhodes got up and connected with Cross Rhodes to win.

Match 4. Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett

Main Event. Big Show vs. John Cena Rey Mysterio
Cena came out holding his shoulder, probably because of the TLC match. He introduced Rey as Big Show's opponent. What is Rey thinking? Rey tossed Show into the ropes and hit the 619 and West Coast Pop. Show tossed Rey around a little before hitting the Showstopper and getting the win.

Match 1Damien Sandow vs. Sin Cara

Match 2. Slater and Otunga vs. The Usos

Match 3. Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler   #1 Contender's match
Ziggler and Kofi hit Miz with a double neck breaker. Ziggler speared Miz through the barricade. Kofi busted Miz open with a back elbow. Miz hit Ziggler with a running dropkick and the Skull Crushing Finale. Kofi hit Miz with SOS and got the win.

Match 4. Christian vs. Mark Henry
Henry came out angry. He had Christian in the corner and landed a huge body splash. Christian tried lifting Henry up for a suplex, but he failed. Henry locked Christian in a bear hug, but he was able to escape. Christian caught Henry with the Killswitch out of nowhere and won the match.

After the match, Damien Sandow attacked Christian with a lead pipe.

Main Event. Iron Man - CM Punk vs. Randy Orton
Punk didn't stay in the ring long, as he lured Orton to the outside. Punk then began walking to the top of the stage. The ref counted him out, giving Orton a 1-0 lead. Punk stayed on the outside for the rest of the match. Orton won by a score of 15-0. Very, very odd.

After the match, Brock Lesnar ran down and attacked Orton.

Recap: Was Cena faking it? Why would Rey agree to another match? Oh, Undertaker has been injured for a few months now.


What a pay-per-view I have lined up for you.

Match 1. JBL vs. Christian   WWE United States Championship
This was an 11-minute opening match and it was great. JBL hit Christian with a superplex and busted him open with a running knee. JBL landed a back breaker, but Christian got up. He landed his own superplex and connected with the Killswitch to regain the US title.

Match 2. Ladder - Sheamus vs. Jericho vs. Rhodes   WWE Intercontinental Championship
Cody gets his first taste of singles gold. Can he pull it off? Cody immediately left the ring and brought in a ladder. He set it up, but Jericho pushed him down. He and Jericho were reaching for the belt, but Sheamus pushed the ladder. Sheamus was holding onto the belt, but Cody caught him with a powerbomb. Jericho had Sheamus on the outside, allowing Cody to climb up and pull down the title.

Match 3. Triple H vs. Wade Barrett
Triple H landed a back suplex and falling neck breaker. He then continued with a back breaker. Wade tossed Triple H shoulder first into the steel post. Barrett landed two sit-out spine busters. He then hit Triple H with Wasteland to get the win.

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Mark Henry
The winner could be next in line for a world title shot. Hardy put Ziggler through the announce table with a diving elbow in less than two minutes. Hardy busted Ziggler open with a heel kick. Henry busted Del Rio open by slamming his head against the steel post. Del Rio connected with a heel kick to the back of Ziggler's head. All four men were on the outside as Hardy hit Ziggler with the Twist of Fate. Del Rio locked in the cross arm breaker on Ziggler as Henry hit Hardy with a military press slam in the ring to win.

Match 5. Tornado Tag - Boom Truth vs. Epico and Primo   WWE Tag Team Championship
Kofi attempted a couple of jumping heel kicks, but Epico countered them both. Kofi came back with a back suplex and standing hurricanrana. Kofi landed a monkey flip. Truth hit Primo with the Lie Detector to retain the title.

Match 6. TLC - John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar   WWE Championship
John Cena not in the main event? Wow. What's even crazier is that Brock already gets a title shot. They spent a couple of minutes in the ring before bringing in a ladder. Lesnar stomped on Cena's right arm and connected with a release German suplex. He then picked Cena up for the triple powerbombs and an F5. Lesnar brought in a ladder and began climbing. Cena went to pull him down, but Lesnar kicked him away and pulled down the title.

Main Event. TLC - Randy Orton vs. CM Punk   World Heavyweight Championship
Punk hit Orton with a GTS, busting him open in the process, and left to get a ladder. They went outside the ring and fought by the announce table. Orton hit a Lou Thesz Press and busted Punk open. Punk was reaching for the title, but Orton pulled him down. Punk hit a second GTS and running knee in the corner. Both Punk and Orton were on the ladder. Punk flipped Orton over his back to the mat and was able to pull down the title.

Recap: Cody looks like he's on his own now. Lesnar is now champion!! What is going on? Punk is now the best on SmackDown. Both main titles changed hands.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

December Week 3, Year 5

Match 1. Zack Ryder vs. Heath Slater

Match 2. Shawn Michaels vs. Justin Gabriel
Gabriel landed a huge German suplex from the top rope. Michaels got up and connected with the Sweet Chin Music. A little later, Justin hit HBK with a sit-out powerbomb. He then hit Michaels with a corkscrew slam to win. What an upset!

Match 3. John Cena vs. Triple H
John Cena was walking to the ring when Brock Lesnar attacked him from behind. He then ran in the ring and hit Triple H with an F5. Cena made a comeback, but Lesnar caught him with an F5.

Match 4. Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett
Barrett landed a sit-out powerbomb. Bryan brought in the steel steps, but Barrett countered. They ended up on the outside, where Bryan landed a delayed suplex. He then locked in the Labell Lock and won

After the match, Barrett raised Bryan's hand in victory.

Main Event. Last Man Standing - Sheamus vs. Batista
Sheamus and Batista came out swinging. Sheamus landed two clotheslines. Batista hit a spine buster and Batista Bomb, but Sheamus got up at seven. Sheamus landed an Irish Curse and Celtic Cross. Batista barely beat the ref's count. Batista hit a second Batista Bomb and Sheamus was unable to answer the 10-count.

Match 1. Jack Swagger vs. Booker T
Booker busted Swagger open with a running heel kick. Booker then landed a corner splash and a spine buster. Swagger kicked out, but Booker was ready with the Scissors Kick and got the win.

Match 2. John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre

Match 3. R-Truth and Sin Cara vs. Antonio Cesaro and Damien Sandow

Match 4. Epico and Primo vs. Heath Slater and David Otunga   #1 Contender's match
Jeri-Show attacked Slater and Otunga from behind. Otunga hit Primo with a side belly-to-belly suplex. Slater caught Epico with a jumping STO. Primo and Epico hit Slater with a double hip toss. There were a couple of near falls before Primo hit Otunga with a Back Stabber to win.

Main Event. CM Punk and Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler and The Miz
Ziggler and Miz hit Orton with a snapmare/springboard elbow combo. On the outside, Punk grabbed Miz and Ziggler by the heads and slammed them together. Orton then hit Ziggler with an RKO. Everything finally settled back in the ring. Ziggler hit Orton with a falling gut buster. Punk caught Miz and hit him with the GTS and won.

Recap: Brock Lesnar is back?! I usually don't watch back-to-back tag matches, but I made an exception.

December Week 2, Year 5

Match 1. Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio
Jericho landed a bulldog from the corner and he somehow busted Rey open. A minute later, Rey sent Jericho flying into the ropes. He connected with the 619 and West Coast Pop. Rey climbed the ropes and went for a diving splash. Jericho dodged and hit the Codebreaker to win.

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Shawn Michaels
Last week, it was Triple H. This week, it's Shawn Michaels. Michaels ran down and speared Barrett before the bell rang. Michaels busted Barrett open with a diving fist. Barrett landed a pump handle slam and Wasteland. Barrett continued with a scoop slam and sit-out powerbomb. He hit a second Wasteland and won.

Match 3. John Cena vs. Big Show
It's interesting that the WWE champ is in the middle of the show. In less than five minutes, Cena lifted Show up and hit the AA. He went for a pin, but Show kicked out. Later, Cena hit the 5-Knuckle Shuffle and went for another pin. Cena slammed Show down and hit a second AA to win.

Match 4. Kane vs. Edge

Main Event. Sheamus vs. Batista

Match 1. Booker T vs. JBL

Match 2. R-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro
The Swiss Superstar makes his debut on the blue brand. Truth busted Cesaro open with a running bulldog. Truth hit Cesaro with snake eyes, but Cesaro caught him in a roll-up, getting a long two count. After breaking out of another pin, Truth landed the Lie Detector and won.

Match 3. Epico and Primo vs. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. Alberto Del Rio
The two men were caught in a pinning battle with many near falls. After a mudhole stomping, Del Rio connected with a standing heel kick. Jeff came back with a Twist of Fate. Del Rio immediately got up and locked in the cross arm breaker. Del Rio broke out of a Boston crab and won.

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler
The Miz came down and stood at ringside. A rare heel vs. heel match. Ziggler stomped on Punk in the corner. He hit some right hands and then landed the Zig Zag. Ziggler landed a falling gut buster and the Fame-Asser. Punk came back with a heel kick and German suplex. Ziggler forced Punk to tap from the sleeper hold.

After the match, Miz handed Ziggler a chair. He went to hit Punk, but the world champ, Randy Orton ran down and made the save.

Recap: Cody and Ted made an appearance on SmackDown because the tag titles are defended on both shows. Truth and Kofi have defeated new Superstars in back-to-back weeks.

December Week 1, Year 5

Match 1. Ted DiBiase vs. Zack Ryder

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Triple H
Justin Gabriel attacked Triple H from behind. Barrett landed a sit-out spine buster. Triple H hit a back elbow and knee smash. Barrett came back with a German suplex. Triple H blocked a kick and hit the Pedigree. He hit another one two minutes later to win.

After the match, Gabriel attacked Triple H with a lead pipe.

Match 3. Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show and Chris Jericho
As if Rey wasn't already an underdog. Rey hit Show with a Frankensteiner. Jericho came in and received a 619 and West Coast Pop. Jeri-Show hit Rey with a back breaker and ax handle combo move. They then fought on the outside. Jericho came back in, hit the Codebreaker and won.

After the match, Jericho handed Big Show a chair. He went to hit Rey, but Cena ran down and made the save.

Match 4. Edge vs. Kane

Main Event. Sheamus vs. Batistsa
Batista attacked Sheamus from behind on the ramp. The two big men traded slams in the early going. Late in the match, Sheamus drove his knee into Batista's face. He then landed a fall away slam. Batista hit a spine buster, but Sheamus kicked out. Sheamus lifted Batista up for the Celtic Cross and won.

Match 1. Epico and Primo vs. McIntyre and The Miz

Match 2. R-Truth vs. Jack Swagger

Match 3. Kofi Kingston vs. Damien Sandow
The Intellectual Savior of the Masses makes his debut. After an arm drag, Sandow landed a Russian leg sweep. Kofi kicked out and hit the SOS. Kofi began a string of offensive moves, including a dropkick and running clothesline. He finished Sandow off with Trouble in Paradise.

Match 4. Submission - Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler tossed Christian into the corner. He ran toward him, but Christian put out his boot. He then ran at Ziggler, but Dolph landed a quick slam. Much later, Christian landed a hurricanrana and then the Killswitch. Ziggler came back with the Fame-Asser and the Zig Zag. Christian landed a reverse DDT and front suplex before making Dolph tap with a camel clutch.

After the match, Christian stuck out his hand. Ziggler thought about it, but he low blowed Christian instead.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Orton took Punk down with a dragon screw. He went for a kick, but Punk caught him and locked in the Anaconda Vice. Orton came back with a scoop slam and back breaker. He then countered Punk's grapple and hit the RKO. Punk busted Orton open with a heel kick. He then landed a tornado DDT and won.

After the match, Ziggler ran down and attacked both men.

Recap: Sandow had a good showing, but Kofi has the experience. I'm looking forward to more Ziggler/Christian matches.

Friday, July 19, 2013


All of the titles are on the line tonight.

Match 1. Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho   WWE Intercontinental Championship
Sheamus landed a huge headbutt, then lifted Jericho up for the Irish Curse. Jericho tossed Sheamus shoulder first into the post. He then locked in the Walls of Jericho. Jericho hit the Codebreaker, but Sheamus kicked out of the pin. Sheamus came back with the Celtic Cross and got the three count to retain the title.

Match 2. Swagger vs. Angle vs. Del Rio vs. Hardy vs. Ziggler vs. Show vs. Kane vs. Barrett vs. Mysterio vs. Ryback
This is a 10-man battle royal. The winner receives a World or WWE title shot next month. The first two Superstars were Ryback and Kane. Ryback threw Kane into the corner and eliminated him. Jeff Hardy came out next. Jeff tried to use his quickness, but Ryback's strength was too match as he sent Jeff crashing onto the floor. Rey ran out and immediately landed a heel kick. Ryback clotheslined Rey out of the ring. Ziggler was the fifth man to enter. Del Rio was the sixth man to enter. Ziggler hit Ryback with a hanging suplex. Ryback stood watch as Del Rio eliminated Ziggler. Big Show came out next. He went right after Ryback with a clothesline and back drop.

Kurt Angle was No. 8. Big Show lifted Ryback up and eliminated him. Wade Barrett entered at No. 9. The final man, Jack Swagger came out. Angle almost eliminated Big Show. Del Rio eliminated Barrett. Swagger went after his partner, but Angle came back with a German suplex. Show flipped Del Rio over the top, but he held on. A bloody Del Rio eliminated Big Show. Swagger and Angle eliminated Del Rio. The Real Americans were the final two. Angle lifted Swagger over his shoulder and slammed him onto the mat. Kurt Angle gets one final shot at the world title.

Match 3. Christian vs. JBL vs. The Miz   WWE United States Championship
JBL busted Miz open with a DDT. All three men then fought on the outside. Christian hit Miz with the Killswitch. Miz came back with a huge shoulder breaker. Miz then DDT'd JBL through the announce table. Miz turned his attention to Christian, allowing JBL to recover. JBL hit Miz with a powerbomb and got the win.

Match 4. DX vs. Boom Truth   World and WWE Tag Team championships
This is a unification match for both tag titles. Boom Truth hit Michaels with a double back elbow. Kofi tagged in Truth, who hit Triple H with the Lie Detector. Michaels hit Kofi with a back breaker and DDT. Boom Truth hit Michaels with a double hip toss. Truth hit HBK with a Lie Detector and won.

Match 5. Raw vs. SmackDown - Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase vs. Epico and Primo
This is an elimination tag match. Rhodes and DiBiase were in control for most of the match. Cody hit Primo with a huge Alabama Slam. Ted busted him open with a couple of falling headbutts. Rhodes hit Epico with Cross Rhodes. He kicked out, but Ted and Cody were ready. Cody hit Primo with a back suplex and eliminated him. Rhodes immediately hit Epico with Cross Rhodes and won.

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk   World Heavyweight Championship
Orton landed a clothesline, then busted Punk open with a stomp across his face. Punk kipped up and blocked a kick from Orton. He then locked in the Anaconda Vice. Orton broke out, but Punk landed a leg sweep. Orton countered a punch and hit the RKO to retain.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Edge   WWE Championship
Cena hit a huge hip toss and tossed Edge into the corner for a clothesline. Cena landed a shoulder tackle and the 5-Knuckle Shuffle. Edge hit the spear and went for the pin, but Cena barely kicked out. Cena then hit the AA and won.

Recap: Christian lost his title without being pinned. That's the danger of Triple Threat matches. Boom Truth pulled off the upset. Punk will definitely get another opportunity.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

November Week 4, Year 5

Match 1. David Otunga vs. Zack Ryder

Match 2. Shawn Michaels w/ Triple H vs. Wade Barrett w/ Justin Gabriel

Match 3. Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho elbowed the back on Rey's neck and then hit the Codebreaker. Rey came back with a hurricanrana and a heel kick. He then landed a sunset flip and almost won. Rey tossed Jericho into the ropes. He connected with the 619 and West Coast Pop to win.

Match 4. Kane vs. Edge
Edge attacked Kane from behind. Kane landed a back suplex and tilt-a-whirl slam. Edge came back with a DDT and sit-out face buster. Kane countered Edge's attack and landed a sidewalk slam. Kane then hit the chokeslam, but Edge kicked out. Edge hit a back suplex and got the win.

Main Event. Sheamus vs. Batista
Batista went to clothesline Sheamus, but he accidentally hit the referee. Batista tossed Sheamus into the corner and rolled him up to get the win.

Match 1. R-Truth vs. The Miz

Match 2. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio
There was a pinning battle in the early going, seeing many near falls. Christian landed a corner dropkick, busting Del Rio open in the process. Del Rio came back with a standing heel kick. He then locked in the cross arm breaker. Christian broke out, but Del Rio landed another arm lock before getting the win.

Match 3. Booker T and Sin Cara vs. John Morrison and Drew McIntyre

Match 4. Epico and Primo vs. The Real Americans   #1 Contender's match
Swagger and Angle hit Primo with a double suplex. Swagger then brought him to the outside and put him through the announce table with a gutwrench powerbomb. Epico hit Angle with a back suplex and tornado DDT. Primo came back in and hit Swagger with the Back Stabber to win.

Main Event. Mark Henry vs. CM Punk   #1 Contender's match
Punk caught the leg of Henry and lifted him up for the GTS. Punk connected, but Henry just barely kicked out. Punk landed some kicks to Henry's face and busted him open. Punk took Henry down with a reverse neck breaker. He then locked in the Anaconda Vice and won.

Recap: Raw's getting out of control with all of these sneak attacks. Batista got lucky, very lucky. Raw had no No. 1 contender's matches. Who will challenge the champs at Survivor Series? Primo and Epico picked up a huge win.