Match 1. David Otunga vs. William Regal
Match 2. The Usos vs. Epico and Primo
Match 3. Brock Lesnar vs. Shawn Michaels
Michaels hit Lesnar with a suplex and then locked in the Sharpshooter. Outside the ring, Michaels connected with Sweet Chin Music. He busted Lesnar open by slamming his head against the steel post. Michaels hit another super kick. Lesnar came back with belly-to-belly and German suplexes. Lesnar went for the Shooting Star Press, but Michaels sprung up and hit a third super kick to win.
Match 4. Batista vs. Sheamus #1 Contender's match
Batista is putting his Royal Rumble victory on the line. Batista hit a couple of knee smashes. Sheamus countered Batista's follow-up attack with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Batista went to kick Sheamus in the gut, but it was blocked and Sheamus landed the Celtic Cross to win.
After the match, as Sheamus was about to leave, Lesnar's music hit. Sheamus waited for him to come down the ramp, but Lesnar attacked him from behind.
After the match, as Sheamus was about to leave, Lesnar's music hit. Sheamus waited for him to come down the ramp, but Lesnar attacked him from behind.
Main Event. John Cena and Cody Rhodes vs. The Rock and Daniel Bryan
Rock tossed Bryan from the top rope onto Cena. Rock and Bryan then hit a double hip toss. Kane ran down and attacked Cody. He hit him with the chokeslam. Cody later speared Bryan through the barricade. Back in the ring, Bryan hit Cena with a rolling senton and got the win.
Match 1. Sin Cara vs. The Miz
Match 2. Kofi Kingston vs. Damien Sandow
Kofi landed a Russian leg sweep, back elbow and a crucifix pin. Sandow then landed his own leg sweep. Kofi hit a frankensteiner and then SOS. Sandow kicked out and connected with Terminus. Kofi caught Sandow in a school boy, but got a two count. Sandow locked in a camel clutch and won.
Kofi landed a Russian leg sweep, back elbow and a crucifix pin. Sandow then landed his own leg sweep. Kofi hit a frankensteiner and then SOS. Sandow kicked out and connected with Terminus. Kofi caught Sandow in a school boy, but got a two count. Sandow locked in a camel clutch and won.
Match 3. Christian vs. Drew McIntyre
Match 4. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge
Rey took Del Rio down with a snapmare and landed a couple of kicks to the chest. Del Rio locked Edge in the cross arm breaker. Edge and Rey hit Del Rio with a double gut buster. Del Rio hit Rey with a release German suplex. Edge then busted Del Rio open with a back elbow. Rey hit Edge with the 619 and West Coast Pope to win.
Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Undertaker
Orton faked a handshake and punched Taker before the bell. Taker drove his knee across the face of Orton. The champ came back with a a couple of clotheslines and a quick slam. After a one count, Orton hit his back breaker. Taker kicked out again and hit the Tombstone to pin the champ.
Recap: Taker's been on a roll since returning. WrestleMania should be awesome.