Saturday, February 16, 2013

March Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. Trish vs. Lita   #1 Contender's Match
Can Lita rightfully receive her title shot? About five minutes into the match, Trish DDT'd Lita through the announce table. She then connected with the Chick Kick. Lita managed to kick out and plant Trish right on her head with a spike DDT. Back in the ring, Lita landed two tornado DDTs and a Twist of Fate to win.

After the match, Stephanie appeared at the top of the ramp and applauded for Lita.

Match 2. X-Pac vs. Kane
Kane busted Pac open very early with a DDT on the outside. Kane then hit a sidewalk slam and DDT'd Pac through the announce table. Back in the ring, Pac was on his feet and hit the X-Factor. A minute later, Kane used Pac's own super kick against him. After locking in a chicken wing submission, Kane landed another side slam to win.

Match 3. New Age Outlaws vs. The Dudleyz
Road Dogg hit Bubba with a suplex. Bubba regained control and tagged in D-Von. The Dudleyz hit Dogg with a double hip toss. Dogg and D-Von were caught in a pin battle. After two reversals, Dogg got the win. No sight of Billy Gunn in the match.

Match 4. Test vs. Edge
If Edge wins, he is definitely in line for an Intercontinental title shot. Test busted Edge open with a back elbow smash. Test then tossed Edge out of the ring. He landed a snap slam and went for a pump handle, but Edge blocked it and hit the Downward Spiral. Test began bleeding when Edge smashed his head against the post. Edge then landed a huge elbow drop, sending Test through the announce table. Edge then hit a spear in the ring to win.

Main Event. Rock n Sock Connection vs. Triple H and Big Boss Man
Triple H quickly left the ring and took apart the announce table. Boss Man and Triple H were dominating Rock outside the ring. The ref lost control as all four men battled in the ring. Boss Man hit Mankind with a spinning side slam. Mankind then used Mr. Socko on him to win.

Saturday Night Heat
Match 1. Stevie Richards vs. Viscera
I'm controlling Stevie, who is making his Universe debut. Stevie did everything he could to keep Viscera down. He speared him through the barricade and then elbow dropped him through the announce table. Stevie landed a super kick, but Viscera kicked out. Chainsaw Charlie ran down and hit Viscera with a piledriver. Stevie blockd Viscera's finisher and hit another super kick and neck breaker to win.

Match 2. Godfather vs. Gangrel
Godfather hit a spine buster. Gangrel came back with an elbow smash and busted Godfather open. Gangrel continued with a double underhook overhead suplex. He caught Godfather's leg and hit the Impaler to win.

Match 3. Faarooq vs. D'Lo Brown
Faarooq was in the ring when D'Lo attacked him from behind. D'Lo landed a super reverse DDT and a Sky High. He continued with a double underhook suplex. Faarooq came back with a back breaker and a spine buster. After a two count, Faarooq hit the Dominator to win.

Match 4. Chainsaw Charlie vs. Mideon
These two spent most of the time outside of the ring. Mideon landed a spinning sidewalk slam and a reverse Tombstone. Mideon then reversed Charlie's suplex. Charlie busted Mideon open by smashing his head into the steel post. Charlie then won after landed the piledriver.

Viscera walked out and stared down Charlie

Main Event. Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman
Pillman was giving the Rabid Wolverine a beating. After a suplex, he connected with Air Pillman and won in five minutes.

Recap: Kane definitely needed that win. Is Edge breaking away from Christian?

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