There are a lot of Superstars I left off of the card, like Big Show and Stone Cold. I can't wait until after WrestleMania.
Match 1. APA vs. Dudley Boyz WWF Tag Team Championship
Will the Dudleyz win their 10th tag titles? Well, it feels like 10. Bradshaw DDT'd Bubba through the announce table. D-Von speared Faarooq through the barricade. Bradshaw did the same to D-Von. The APA were working over D-Von for a while on the outside. Back in the ring, Faarooq hit Bubba with a powerslam and Dominator to retain.
Match 2. William Regal vs. Goldust WWF European Championship
This was a hard-fought match between two veterans. Goldust landed a bulldog, but Regal came back with a double underhook suplex. Goldust hit the Curtain Call. Regal kicked out and hit a spike piledriver and got the win.
Match 3. Christian vs. Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Mark Henry
Eddie jumped from the top rope and landed a huge elbow drop on Christian through the announce table. Christian recovered quickly as he hit a leg sweep and neck breaker. Christian slammed Eddie's head against the steel post and busted him open. Benoit locked Henry in the crossface. Henry broke out and put Benoit in a bear hug, forcing him to tap.
Match 4. Hardy Boyz vs. Natural Born Thrillers
Kane's pyro went off and out he came. He landed hit Palumbo with a chokeslam and hit O'Haire with a Tombstone. Matt hit Palumbo with a neck breaker and gut buster. The Hardyz then hit him with Poetry in Motion. Jeff then hit a Death Valley Driver and won.
Match 5. The Rock vs. Scott Hall w/ Hollywood Hogan
Can The Rock overcome the presence of Hogan? Rock ducked a punch and hit the Samoan drop. Stone Cold ran down to even the odds. He hit Hall with a Stunner. Austin would find a way to appear on the card. Rock landed a superplex onto the outside. He brought Hall back in and hit the spine buster to win.
Match 6. Chris Jericho vs. RVD WWF Intercontinental Championship
This was a very fast-paced match. Late in the match, Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho. He then put RVD on the top rope. Van Dam countered and went for a flying elbow. Jericho recovered and hit the Codebreaker in mid-air. RVD still kicked out and landed a super kick. He then hit a hurricanrana from the top to win the IC title.
Main Event. Chamber - Triple H vs. Nash vs. Edge vs. Kane vs. DDP vs. Taker WWF Championship
This is a very experienced and dangerous group. Before the match begins, I predict Kevin Nash will win. The first two Superstars were Kevin Nash and DDP. Well, there goes my prediction. The next man to enter was Edge. He and Nash hit DDP with a double chokeslam. Triple H's pod opened and he entered the ring. DDP landed an overhead belly-to-belly on Triple H. Edge hit Nash with a back breaker. Undertaker was out next. Taker and Edge landed a double gut buster on Nash. That alliance didn't last long as Taker locked Edge in a single-leg Boston crab. Kane was the last man to join the fray. Who will be the first eliminated?
Nash, Taker and Kane were all getting tossed around. They quickly gained control, but not for long. Edge went to hit Kane with a spear, but Kane caught him with a back breaker. He later connected with the spear, but Kane kicked out. Nash and DDP fought outside the ring. DDP eliminated Nash after a Diamond Clash. Triple H eliminated DDP after a Pedigree. There were a few minutes between eliminations. Triple H then eliminated Edge on the outside. Kane and Taker hit Triple H with a double chokeslam. Triple H eliminated Kane with a Pedigree and immediately DDT'd Taker to retain the title.
Recap: Eddie will face Triple H at WrestleMania for the WWF title. RVD is still the Money in the Bank holder and once again IC champ.
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