Thursday, May 16, 2013

May Week 4, Year 4

Match 1. Goldust vs. Val Venis

Match 2. Richards and Dreamer vs. William Regal and Raven

Match 3. Hell in a Cell - Scott Hall vs. Ric Flair
Wow. This came out of nowhere. Hall was in control the whole time. He landed a fall away slam and Outsider's Edge, but Flair kicked out. After a knee to the gut, and three minutes later, Hall landed another Outsider's Edge to win.

Match 4. DDP vs. Christian vs. Kane   #1 Contender's match
The winner will face Scott Hall at Judgment Day. Most of this match took place on the outside. DDP hit Christian with a sit-out powerbomb. Christian came back with an Unprettier. DDP kicked out and hit a spine buster. DDP then hit Kane with a Diamond Cutter and won. DDP gets his rematch.

Main Event. Kevin Nash vs. The Rock
During the match, Angle ran down. He hit Rock with an Angle Slam, which allowed Nash to score the pin.

Match 1. Regal vs. Raven

Match 2. Billy Gunn vs. Mark Henry

Match 3. Batista vs. RVD
Batista caught RVD and hit him with a huge powerbomb. RVD kipped right up and landed a hurricanrana. RVD landed another one and a super kick. Batista was still fighting back. RVD hit a spinning back kick and won.

Match 4. Randy Orton vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Big Show
Huge spot for the rookie. Orton elbow dropped Eddie through the announce table. Eddie busted open both Big Show and Orton with DDTs. Orton hit Big Show with the RKO. Big Show then hit Eddie with a Showstopper. Orton stomped all over Show and won.

Main Event. Last Man Standing - Kevin Nash vs. The Rock
Let's see if Angle interferes again. Triple H was sitting in the front row. Nash caught Rock's leg and hit the Jackknife, but Rock got up at three. Rock attempted an elbow drop on Nash, but Nash moved and Rock crashed through the announce table. Rock recovered and hit the Rock Bottom. Nash couldn't make it to his feet.

Recap: Damn, this Orton kid is doing work. Judgment Day could be a fun pay-per-view.

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